Sunday, August 31, 2008

Palin's Pregnant Pause

The Palin family in January of this year, Bristol is on the right

Ahh how the rumors and inuendo fly. The report that Sarah Palin's fifth child, Trig, born last April is not hers but instead her oldest daughter's, is all over the net. Both liberal and conservative blogs are abuzz over it.

After having spent the last three days digging up what I could find that at least had some evidence, this one makes me uncomfortable. It is circumstantial at best and if it turns out to be false it has put the whammy on a 17 year old girl who did nothing to deserve it. Nonetheless, these are the points as they are being laid out...

1) Palin did not announce this pregnancy until her seventh month. No one on her staff or who worked with her had any inkling she was pregnant until she told them.

2) Her oldest daughter, Bristol, was kept out of school for the last five months of Palin's pregnancy due to an extreme case of mono. Some reports are saying she had been kept out for eight months.

3) Palin went into labor one month early while in Dallas at a conference. Instead of going directly to a medical facility, she instead called her doctor, gave her keynote address, got on a plane with a layover in Seattle - total flying time, 8 hours during which she informed no one she was in labor and no one noticed - landed in Anchorage and then drove 45 minutes to the small medical facility in Wasilla to give birth. Strangely, the Mat-Su medical facility lists all the babies born on their website but the name of Trig Paxson Palin on April 18 is absent.

4) As this story has spread family photos taken in January and in April of this year that had been on the Governor's website have been removed. The photos that are available and were taken late in the pregnancy show Palin as lithe and remarkably trim for a woman in her 7th and 8th months, while the photos of Bristol taken in what would have been Palin's 4th and 5th months show an expanding abdomen.

We would all imagine that McCain's team would have vetted this - at least you would think they did. But they never spoke to the man in the center of her ethical investigation either. Just today the McCain campaign admitted it did very little vetting of Governor Palin; they felt they knew her well.

This should be taken with a grain of salt but nonetheless things are curious. Compare these two photos of Sarah Palin from two pregnancies...

Palin seven months pregnant with Trig

Palin about eight months pregnant with one of her other children

More of the innuendo can be found at the Daily Kos.

Just to put some more perspective on this, the photo below is of my lovely wife when she was 7 months pregnant with our son. He, like Palin's son, was born 4 weeks prematurely, but our son actually was smaller than Palin's son, Trig.


  1. And if everyone looks closely at where Bristol's belly button is supposed to be, you can see a spot of flat color that's both a bit darker and lacks the texture of the sweater she's wearing.

    Even a monkey could have done a better job with Photoshop than that.

  2. Well, it would make her "even in cases of rape or incest" stance on abortion all the more creepy. Maybe it's her grandson-by-birth but her SON by marriage. <---I don't really believe that; I just don't understand how this woman got picked, and if her family is all inbred then I feel better/worse about it.

    Although Downs Syndrome is more common in infants born of women her age than her daughter's age.

  3. Actually 80% of downs infants are born to women under 35, though that is due to greater numbers of births in general to that age group.

    As regards your inbreeding point, it isn't a pretty one but it actually has been hinted at. pointed out that the delivering doctor is not an OB/GYN, but instead is a family practice physician. That isn't that unusual, but she actually specializes in treating victims of child sexual abuse. Again, it means nothing but it does hint at a potential for this to get uglier.

  4. I'll have to read that policalbase thing. And I knew the statistic about Downs; I meant per-birth per-woman, not overall. But I used the shorthand, and was thus vague.
