Monday, August 11, 2008

Toy Porn

The Boy is three and a half. We have, by now, begun to experience impulsive covetousness on his part. In stores, a balloon or puzzle will catch his eye. He will desire it. He will express that desire. He will usually come away disappointed. It's the way of the world, kid. By the time we reach the next aisle it is forgotten, fortunately.

Of late, the desire will extend beyond the next aisle and the item's allure will hold him over the course of a day or more. I'm sure it's a result of a lengthening memory and more determined focus. That's the problem with remembering things - disappointment lasts longer.

Tonight after I had cleaned the kitchen and done my chores I slipped into the family room to deliver up to him his nightly episode of Sesame Street. He was sitting on the sofa in his pajamas munching on his pretzels. Upon his lap was centered a Target circular that arrived in the mail on Saturday. He had begun looking at it earlier in the afternoon and had been carrying it around the house for most of the evening. He was staring at it longingly.
"Daddy, I would really like this," he said, quietly, as he pointed to a small train set featured at the bottom of the page.
"That one there?" I asked.
"Yes, that one. I would really like it."
"Well remember it. Christmas will be here soon and you might get it."
Though his concept of time remains in flux, I could tell he saw Christmas as too distant for his satisfaction. He looked back at the ad and sighed.

Then my son ,who does not yet read said, "It says here that it's perfect for little boys."
"Is that what it says?" I asked.
"Yeah, right here," he said, "I really should have it."
"Ok," he said with deep resignation.

I had not expected material desire to rear its head so soon. I had not expected that a simple circular could be so evocative for him. I am not ready for this battle for his soul.


  1. The struggle just intensifies with age. Surely you also sigh longingly over what we call Furniture Porn.

  2. We tend to fall victim to food porn in our house

  3. you know, it's provocative blogpost titles like this that mkae your site such a frequent target for pervs.

  4. true, banks, but it drives traffic like nothing else.
