Monday, May 23, 2022

The Boy & the Girl & the G

It's funny.  I titled this post "The Boy & the Girl & the G", but that's not correct.  It should be titled, "The Man & the Woman & the Young Lady" because that's what they've become. In what feels like an instant my little ones have become grown. 

Wow! and Ow!

They are preparing to make their way in the world.  I couldn't be prouder of what they've become, and couldn't be more excited for what they will accomplish.


I can't help but ache.

The Boy and the Girl both received performing arts awards over the weekend.

Not to be outdone, the G is prepping to head off to a "by invitation only" science camp to start the summer, where she'll join other girls  her age exploring the wonders of the world.

Oh, and the Boy has a sweetheart, whom he adores (as we all do.)

Would that I could have spent the rest of my days carrying them on my hip, but that was never an option.

At some point they suit up, hug you as tears well in your eyes, and with a mighty flap they take flight.


Anonymous said...

They all look so elegant. And tall.

It’s been an emotional time here, too. Especially with 4 working drivers and 3 cars. Luckily one works from home! But when the youngest turns 18 next month, pretty sure I’ll be sobbing in a corner. — BB

arlopop said...

Not so elegant when ill
And a wee bit bitter
I with ya on the sobs 😫