Friday, September 12, 2008

Conservative View, Again

From New York Magazine, conservative David Frum on Palin and Obama:

(Palin) really could be president! And here's where my fellow conservatives really worry me. They are so attracted by the symbolism of the selection that they show no concern — never mind for her executive competence — even for her views. There's a photograph circulating on conservative blogs that shows Palin lounging on a motorcycle, paired with another of Obama in a helmet on a bicycle. It's headed: "All you need to know." Personally I need to know a little more. That's not even insufficient information. It's anti-information — a denial that information matters...

I do admire (Obama's) cool and calm. And his willingness to listen to a broad range of views from within his coalition. The 3 a.m. call with Obama is a problem, because then he's cast upon his (bad) instincts — as happened with his weak initial response to Georgia. But he might do better at 3 p.m.! He wouldn't get bored during the Cabinet meeting. Or rather, he'd listen even though he was bored.

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