Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Little Hiawatha

The hotel at the Mouse House had a channel on the TV specifically dedicated to old Disney cartoons; 3 or 4 repeated, ad nauseum. We found them useful when trying to put the kids down for a nap or just to keep them occupied while we showered or dressed. The Boy became obsessed with them, partly because he knew nothing Disney prior to going and partly because he almost never watches "cartoons". Since returning home he has talked incessantly about a particular fave. Thankfully, youtube comes to the rescue. So sit back and enjoy with the Boy, the cute, albeit mildly incorrect, Little Hiawatha. Hey, at least it isn't friggin Steamboat Willie.


Hipster Pit said...

Got a little longfellow in there -- oh, what would Edward Siad have to say?

arlopop said...

considering it dates from 1938 he probably would have said it was a classic euro-centric viewpoint foisted on, and about, native peoples... and then he would have chuckled at the whole baby bunny thing.