Sunday, April 6, 2008


In our home the days of all-encompassing devotion to issue or idiot have long passed. Lifeus interruptus. Nonetheless, there are times when someone or something can pique our interest and push us back to those heady days of yesteryear when nothing mattered more than what we believed. We have a term for that state of mind.

Ronpaul - to so believe in a cause or candidate that family and employment are utterly forsaken (or enlisted) in order to show support by standing on street corners, usually with signs and handbills.

"He's been sleeping on the couch ever since he ronpauled Darfur."
"She couldn't make it for dinner. She's ronpauling for La Leche League."
"If that impeachment thing gets some momentum, I will so ronpaul it."

There was an image that went with this post. It featured two Ron Paul supporters holding up a sign on a street corner, but one of the gentlemen featured in the photo objected to my hotlinking to it and felt it was derisive of him, his candidate, and their cause (his objections are in the comments section). So it was removed. Point made.


Baywatch said...

now who's cruel?

Jeremy said...

You know, it really doesn't bother me that some random guy is using my own picture to mock me. I'm not the kind of douche who's going to smack you around for infringing on my copyright.

But you could at least have the good sense to not hotlink it. Take a moment and think about it - that is, of course, unless it causes you to forsake your family and job. God knows we can't ask too much of you busy types.

Jeremy said...

Here's some background.

Curry Favor said...

i make derisive comments about ron paul supporters all the time expect these two guys down the block with two huge black pickup trucks, and an apparent inability to wear shirts. i comment under my breathe when we drive by. black helicopters. in other news, bacon is popular.