I assumed that politics might pop up here and there on a post; that the sheer volume of hypocrisy and absurdity inherent in the subject was too ripe to ignore. A snarky comment here, a jaded observation there; that was as far as I intended to go. I was too old and cynical about the process to either invest myself that deeply or blather that frequently about the subject. But this year has changed that.
Perhaps because it's the first presidential election to cross my path with children towed behind me, perhaps the issues are too important; perhaps I've finally just had enough of this crap, but whatever the reason I am no longer the smart ass on the sidelines. I may still be a smart ass, but I'm in the thick of it. I am finally, deeply, profoundly offended by what has been foisted on us; foisted on my children's future.
Over the last few days this blog has gone on a massive tangent; poking, prodding, plodding through the overwhelming and ghastly revelations regarding Ms. Palin. I have at turns been dismayed, disappointed, disgusted, depressed, derisive, delighted and despondent. Most of all, however, I am determined. I apologize for the extended flights of political vitriol and plunder. It isn't what was advertised, but despite the importance and charm of posts about my children's world or the blooms in my garden, I found that every time I went to write one I was out of sorts. I could not write of those joys when they felt so threatened by what is taking place.
Despite what the McCain campaign would have the country believe most of us aren't Democratic operatives. Hell, I am now and have always been a registered Independent. I don't receive talking points every morning from the DNC. My contempt for them is only a little less than that which I have for their pachyderm brethren. Most of the items I posted on Friday and Saturday were of my own finding. Despite the Republican claims of an organized smear on Palin, I assure you that the items I discovered were there as she was introduced as the running mate in Dayton. I started hunting before her speech was done. The things I found led me to others, and then to others. The DNC may have promoted a great deal of it, but they certainly didn't make it up. It was there long before McCain had made his choice. That is why I blogged so furiously about it the last couple of days: I wanted to see the info before it was scrubbed or tainted by the competing interests involved.
I am satisfied with what I have found, satisfied with what I've done. I will not promise to end my political poundings, but I'm going to ease up. I'm a little tired of it too. Again, sorry.
I still love you anyway, arlopop. Have you ever thought of having a celebrity guest host for your blog when you go out of town for the bullfights down in Mexico this winter?
Crusty McShorts
More politics! I've been enjoying your blog immensely this week.
No need to apologize. Your reasons were clear enough. And no need to stop, except that you are tired of it.
I always enjoy hearing what you have to say about the various topics you talk about. I understand why you focused on Sarah Palin. The thought that she was chosen as a running mate still baffles me.
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