So we visited our baby deliverer today. We are beginning to ease back into the pregnancy routine with its monthly visits to the fetus doc, the various and sundry tests, the waiting room waits. For all of you interested, Threepeat is doing fine, heart aflutter with regular rhythm. Grand news is sometimes the most ordinary.
In the course of our visit I thought I would ask a hypothetical of our personal expert. Here's the scenario I posited to her:
If my lovely wife somewhere around, say, 36 weeks into her pregnancy asked for permission to go to a conference in Miami, say, how would she, fetus doctor, feel about that?
She said she wouldn't like it but if we insisted she would demand that we have a doctor in Miami that we had already contacted just in case.
I then asked, if while at the conference, my wife started to leak fluid and we called her would she permit us to fly home in order to have the baby here?
She laughed and said no. She would demand we get to the nearest facility in Miami and fast. If, however, we insisted on flying home she would wash her hands of us - we would be on our own. It was not only unsafe, but just plain stupid.
She asked if this was leading to something; was there a conference we were planning on going to?
I said no, just curious what someone well-versed in obstetrics thought about a scenario that resembled Governor Palin's. "Ahh," was her response, "I didn't even connect that. Yes, I don't know what she or the doctor were thinking. Just plain stupid and bordering on malpractice. I can't even wrap my head around it. Dumb parents; dumb doctor."
Just a little insight - perspective.
Halloween 2017: The Ghost of Harry Houdini
The magician and escape artist Harry Houdini died in Detroit 91 years ago,
on Halloween. Before his death, Houdini had added "spiritual debunker" to
his re...
7 years ago
You seemed...miffed. As a McCain supporter, who was it that you were wanting him to pick?
Crusty McShorts
Who is the McCain supporter? Crusty??
Speaking as an Obama supporter, I was hoping McCain would pick someone even remotely qualified to lead our nation in the event that a 72-year-old cancer survivor should somehow possibly fail to live out his term. Instead, he chooses a running mate who should leave all Americans questioning his judgment and wondering just how unfit for command McCain truly is.
Names? There are easily 20 high-profile Republicans among Congress, the governors, the deposed presidential candidates and even the current administration who wouldn't have brought about such a freak circus.
20 high-profile Republicans...which one among them would have earned your vote for the McCain ticket? None of them would have changed your mind, and yet, the outrage. Since we obviously hate them all anyway, why are we so upset with the choice? As if any of them would have been even slightly more likely to get your support...
Such a dilemma: slimey presidential ticket A, or slimey presidential ticket B.
Crusty McShorts
Actually, father crusty, it isn't slimey in almost all the cases. It's a question of concern. I may disagree with romney or lieberman or hutchison or rice ideologically but but at least I feel a sense that their experience and competence is acceptable. the choice of palin is worrisome not just for her capabilities or lack thereof but, in making her his running mate with so little time invested in vetting, McCain's as well. I can disagree with direction, but the simple ability to do the job in a resonable capacity has got to be primary.
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