Monday, March 10, 2008

One For The Midwestern Dreamers

Here's the day here. Peach blossoms in bloom with the remaining oranges behind. Lilacs are coming on. The roses have started to bud. It's 79 degrees as I type this. This weather may make us weak, but we all have nice tans. How those parkas holding up?


lendos_girl said...

You forgot to mention that this morning while drinking my coffee outside on the patio, I had to move out of the sun because I was too warm.

gummi_bear said...

You are too cruel!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah? Well just try chilling your beer on the back porch (after your electricity has been shut off) in your crummy 79 degree "weather"! Ha! Got you with that one, didn't I? I bet that really stings! Who's the smart guy now, huh? That's right, dog; it ain't you!
best always,
Ronny from St. Joe, Mo.