Monday, March 3, 2008


When a child reaches a certain age and a certain demeanor parents develop specific means and techniques with which to cope with that child's less than delightful aspects, particularly when those aspects flare in public. The tried and true methods include: calming the toddler with explanations for why something will or will not meet their desires, or whispering threats of impending carnage if parental expectations for behaviour aren't met post haste. When all else fails, however, there is the last resort; the nuclear option used only when a child is melting down in public. We have never used the method except to entertain our own offspring, who delight in it, which in turn, makes it considerably less successful as a form of discipline.

Potatosack - To lift a child, usually a toddler in the middle of a screaming fit, so that they bend forward at the waist, their abdomen resting on the top of one's shoulder, and remove them from a public place with great speed.

"Once he started screaming I potatosacked him out of there."
"Young lady, you need to control yourself or I will potatosack you straight to the car."
"Daddy, potatosack me, too."

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