Sunday, September 7, 2008

Oh, There's Change Alright

McCain and Obama Vie Over Whether Palin Means Change

That's the Bloomberg wire service headline... Seriously. McCain and Obama are arguing about what McCain's VP pick means.

Why are they doing that, you ask?

Well, the better question is: why do they have to do it?

Because she's nowhere to be found, that's why. She can't argue one way or the other. She doesn't want to talk to anybody that might ask her a question. She is a coward.

Of course, McCain actually is right - she does mean change. No other VP candidate in the modern era has EVER gone this long without talking to the press.

Now that's change you can believe in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hilarious! The skeletons are probably dying to give an interview. (c;'