Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Impotentate Stumbled

Time has a good piece, The Five Mistakes Clinton Made, that marvelously details her great campaign errors, although it doesn't go into her gutter tactics and the "Bill" problem. Yep, it's her incompetent management skills that highlight this entire run. Welcome to the coronation that didn't happen. The monarch-to-be tripped over her train.

It seems likely to me that her continued campaigning is designed for only one purpose: to so completely foul Obama that McCain wins and thus gives her an opportunity to run and win in 2012. Regardless of her motivation to continue, doing so at this point is simply destructive . It's that complete disregard for us and the hard times we're in for that makes her so abysmal.

Her desire to lead the country is fueled less by a vision for us than one for herself. More than anything I think she wants to get out of Bill's shadow (or whatever it is one calls it when he shows up and sunlight disappears). She holds him in contempt, personally and presidentially and wants to show us all that she is better than he is. Sadly it is her desire to be loved and lauded (though not as pathological as his) that has been her undoing. They'll probably go broke trying.

Get out, Hillary.

Her fascinating distasters continue to pile up. She could lose millions. Her campaign has, by law, until the election to repay loans from the candidate to the campaign. The election in this case being the convention. After the convention, by law, the campaign can only collect $250,00 dollars in contributions (assuming she isn't the nom). That means more than 11 million of her loans aren't coming back. Most of her donors are either tapped or maxed out by law so she has nowhere to turn to get payed back. Thus her speech the other night pleading for cash.

Another report from McClatchy points out how she and Bill are using a minor loophole to get around campaign limits for the loans and to whom they may be beholding. Her first loan came from her funds, but the last 6 million came from joint funds that are the result of speaking engagements of Bill's. Corporate sponsorships of those speeches were substantial and came from - wait for it - the healthcare and insurance industries as well as investment banks. No, there wouldn't be any quid pro quo. How could we imagine such a thing?

1 comment:

Sarah & Scott said...

Evidence alone that she has no business in the Oval Office is that she so horribly screwed this one up. This was a big fat softball served up on a silver platter and she took a big dump on it. She wants to lead us out of these economic doldrums and she can't even manage the finances of her own campaign.

If it were anyone of other than a Clinton she would've been page 6 news three months ago.